Treatment Solutions for Various Dental Problems

A pleasing smile that appears balanced and natural involves a lot more than just treating individual teeth. At Centre for Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry your smile is essential! ™

Smile Enhancing Solution: Loose Dentures can be stabilised with dental implants. There are a number of alternatives to suit different needs and budget.

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Tooth pain happens when a nerve in the root of a tooth or the surrounding area is irritated in some way. This can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most common reasons include tooth decay or infection or an injury to the tooth. In some cases, you may experience pain after dental treatment, for example, after an extraction. This is usually short-lived and nothing to worry about. But be aware that “dry socket syndrome” can occur a couple of days after a tooth extraction when a blood clot falls out and exposes your bone. In this case, you must consult your dentist for treatment. Tooth pain after a filling may also occur. Or, your mouth and teeth could feel sore after a restorative treatment such as being fitted for crowns, veneers, bridges, or implants. You should also know that pain may appear to come from a tooth or teeth, but it may originate in other areas, such as the jaw. This can happen if you suffer from grinding or clenching of the teeth. This happens involuntarily, often at night, and can result in tension headaches and sensations of pain in the jaw, mouth, and teeth. Your dentist can help fix this problem by examining and correcting your bite or providing you with an appliance to wear at night to stop grinding. Sensitivity to hot or cold food or drinks can also trigger tooth pain. Your dentist can give you advice on diet and brushing to relieve sensitivity. They may also recommend special sealants or toothpaste.

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Dental anxiety is an exaggerated fear of going to the dentist or undergoing dental care. It can affect people so deeply that just the thought of going to the dentist causes extreme anxiety and physical symptoms such as palpitations and disrupted sleep. People who suffer from dental anxiety may be fully conscious that their fear is irrational, but they remain badly affected by it all the same.

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Bleeding gums are a sign of gum disease. In its early stages, it is referred to as gingivitis, which can be successfully treated. The later, more severe form is known as periodontitis, which can only be managed. Gum disease is most often caused by poor dental hygiene, for example, a build-up of plaque from not brushing and flossing properly. It can also be the result of smoking or chewing tobacco. If caught in the early stages, it can be effectively treated by enhancing your oral care with regular check-ups with your dentist and preventative dental care. Unfortunately, if left untreated, it can lead to the more severe stage of the disease, periodontitis, and may involve unpleasant infections and tooth loss. Apart from oral hygiene, gum disease may also be triggered by diseases such as type 1 or type 2 diabetes, leukemia, haemophilia, or even a vitamin C or vitamin K deficiency.

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Smile Enhancing Solutions: Stained or dull teeth can be dramatically improved by in-office whitening, laser bleaching, home whitening, porcelain veneers, all-ceramic crowns or bonding. The reason why many people choose cosmetic dentistry instead of over-the-counter products such as whitening toothpaste and bleaching kits is that cosmetic dentistry offers much more predictable and longer-lasting results.

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Smile Enhancing Solutions: Misshapen, chipped, or worn teeth can be improved by porcelain veneers, all-ceramic crowns, bonding, or simple cosmetic re-contouring.

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Smile Enhancing Solution: Old or amalgam fillings can be replaced with tooth-coloured fillings (resins and porcelain) for a natural appearance.

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Smile Enhancing Solution: Excessive tooth wear and grinding are often linked to jaw joint problems and headaches. It may be helped with Occlusal splint, or in severe cases treatment may require Full Oral Rehabilitation.

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